Our Services

Jenny Flowers International is a full service destination and event management company. We offer innovative, cutting edge ideas and accessible knowledge and resources. Whether you are planning your next special event, Wedding Functions, Jenny Flowers is here to partner with you. We are concentrated in Wedding functions, Decorations and Event management

Event Decoration Dubai
  • Wedding Functions
  • Decorations
  • Event Management
Event Decoration Dubai

Wedding Functions

A wedding is a special moment for families and friends. It is a memory that is treasured and remembered. La Celebrators consciously prioritizes the precious values that are instilled in a wedding and therefore lays great emphasis and effort on ensuring that the entire event is organized and executed in perfect fashion. From the minutest of details to the grandest of issues that surround a particular wedding, Zoreed takes great care with service that ensures a glitch-free event.

First of all congratulation for your special day. Every Detail appreciates that planning a wedding can be very time consuming task. We know that all the worries and tension that goes into planning of one of the biggest events of your life - we take away. Your tailor made package is designed to alleviate many of the pressures and hassles and help you enjoy each moment of your wedding planning.

Event Decoration Dubai


Donec eu velit ante, non dapibus nibh. Praesent condimentum ipsum eu ligula elementum pretium. Nullam vel mi odio, non tincidunt lorem. Etiam pulvinar eleifend velit non ornare. Etiam neque ante, posuere vitae bibendum ac, varius non augue. Sed cursus commodo dapibus. Nullam sed feugiat dolor. Praesent interdum elementum scelerisque. Etiam tincidunt lectus et nulla suscipit ut scelerisque elit egestas. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

First of all congratulation for your special day. Every Detail appreciates that planning a wedding can be very time consuming task. We know that all the worries and tension that goes into planning of one of the biggest events of your life - we take away. Your tailor made package is designed to alleviate many of the pressures and hassles and help you enjoy each moment of your wedding planning.

Event Decoration Dubai

Event Management

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In vel sem risus. Aenean vulputate, dui quis dignissim scelerisque, magna justo dapibus diam, a luctus justo lectus non orci. Donec aliquam risus sed nisl vulputate volutpat. Etiam molestie erat quis augue lobortis volutpat. Nullam quis semper sapien. Sed vestibulum ornare elit nec vehicula. Pellentesque et purus vel justo pretium dictum vitae nec mi. Fusce ullamcorper dui nec libero pharetra pellentesque.

Curabitur a tortor arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc hendrerit malesuada luctus. Proin at tellus feugiat nisl gravida blandit in nec erat. Sed varius, neque sit amet scelerisque vestibulum, augue eros hendrerit sapien, non imperdiet est ante in ipsum. Suspendisse ornare metus et velit rhoncus sodales. Proin eu arcu nec orci mollis faucibus. Sed viverra arcu et libero aliquam a ornare lectus tempor. Nunc quis orci turpis, lobortis aliquam urna.